by: Jege Javier & Kristine Dela Cruz

The following works are literary pieces that are related to the works of Dr. Jose Rizal.

Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas is a book written by Dr. Antonio de Morga which is published in Mexico in 1609. This book is one of the most important works on the early history of the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. The said book narrates the history of wars, intrigues, diplomacy, and evangelization of the Philippines through the annotations and views of Dr. Jose Rizal. It speaks about Rizal’s views of the preconquest past and its light of the current state of the historical studies. Also, the point of view of Rizal regarding the image of the past. In chapter 8, it discusses the Philippine Islands, the natives, the antiquity, custom, and government. Rizal was led to share his views because he had a burning desire to know the exact state of the Philippines when the Spaniards come ashore to the islands.

Les Miserables, written by Victor Hugo is a French historical novel published in 1862 is one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. With a theme similarly to Rizal’s novels which were published in the same century as well, it was also heavily criticized for “dramatizing the misery of the poor.” However, in defense of Hugo, this literary masterpiece is in itself a political stand; a “book about the people that was for the people, a book that demanded change in society’s judgment of its citizens.” Les Miserables is a rich narrative that revolves around injustice, poverty, and redemption. Anyone who has read the book, watched the movie or the musical can surely attest on how moving this literary work is. It is that great and relevant that even a song from its movie, Do You Hear the People Sing is translated to Filipino and is now often used as a battlecry/anthem against the governments injustices to its people. You can listen to it here

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