by: Izaiah Montano

Disclaimer: This conversation with Jose Rizal is just a simulation on what he would say if he was still alive today and saw the current situation of the society.

After months of convincing Lolo Pepe, his assistants, and secretaries to have an interview with me, I finally had the chance to sit with him and asked him everything that I needed to ask. I don’t know how I felt in his presence but there seems to be a great aura around that commands respect and I can even feel the overflowing knowledge every time that he talks. Even though I was star-struck during the interview, I managed to get through it and caught all the necessary information that I wanted for this article. Since all of his answers are very long (almost like an essay), I only included the critical ones that I know we all need to hear from him. Now, on to the question and answer;

Q1: What can you say about the actions of the Filipino people in fighting off COVID19?

A: In all honesty I have felt mixed emotions since not everyone has done purely good or purely immoral. I commend those people who actually helped selflessly for others and for the country. But, to those who took the opportunity to exploit the country and its citizens during the time of its vulnerability, may the passing of right judgment be unto them.

Q2: Currently, the youth of almost every country around the world are leading the fight in the streets. Hong Kong, Thailand, and the Philippines are experiencing the same dilemma except for one thing, majority of the youth in this country are still ignorant and uninformed, or just plain apathetic. With a broken system and corrupt officials seating in power, how would you awaken and empower the youth of this nation to deviate from the pattern followed by most of our elders?

A: This situation pains me the most, for I really have great expectations for the youth of today and those before them still have the mindset of the people in my time. You see, I have done my part in awakening and empowering my countrymen in the past and as a result, they have changed the country as it is today. Yet it still is a small step for our country as to what I have envisioned it to be. So, this is my message to all the youth of the new generation, that they will change everything starting with themselves and use the knowledge that I have imparted to them through my works to influence also their fellow youth who have been thinking only of themselves, so as to truly reveal the beauty of the motherland in peace and harmony.

Q3: As a follow-up question, do you think the youth have done actions or are there already changes in the society that shows that they are indeed the hope of our nation?

A: I have seen some changes in mindset among the youth of today, and they have proven to be more united than the Filipinos in my time. In fact, the youth worldwide are more united than I thought thanks to technology and the internet. I have not changed my mind that the youth is the hope of our nation.

Q4: Are you proud of what our country has become?

A: Our country had had its ups and downs, leading to what it is today. Its citizens have experienced their share of pain, hardships, misery, victory, peace and happiness. And yet the country still stands today, possibly not by its own feet, but still it stands strong among great adversities. The youth have also proven themselves to have the potential to lead the country into the glory and beauty that it deserves. So, how am I to feel right now except being proud for what the country has become.

That concludes my interview with the Philippine Hero, which was fulfilling for me. I hope that many, especially the youth, would take valuable lessons from this brief interview and that they would also question themselves if they really have contributed to our country in ways that would minimally give progress to the nation.