Dedicated to Dr. Jose Rizal

By: Fearysome

People Hear me Your Words 

Your tongue form like a sword. 

I see too much cruelty. 

Your comment shows I’m guilty. 

Why did you acuse me? 

Does my novels are not enough with thee? 

To all friars and traitors ! 

We show hospitality to you as our visitors! 

Look what you’ve done? 

You killed me and now I’m gone! 

There’s a man who stand by me. 

I see everything so I see his loyalty. 

He cried in front of me. 

While asking my apology. 

Its okay my dear Taviel. 

I know you hate your evil patriots. 

Relax, tomorrow they will get sick and ill. 

And the only cure was eating carrots and lettuce. 

Spaniard’s law are good. 

But Friars are rude. 

People, think before you nod. 

Let us be proficient rather than be naive!