by: Kyle Victor Jose and Dr. Jose Rizal (Partially)

A martyr’s death fulfills the Filipinos.
His life, His compatriots, His family.
Never to be forgotten in the timeframe of wisdom.
Dance not to the Marcha de Cadiz.
But cheer to the Rizalista regime.Rizal! Rizal! Rizal!
Born unproportionately,
Yet intellectually.
His being still stands
As mysterious as the aswang.Ibarra jumps to oblivion.
As Damaso embraces the hatred.
Noli Me Tangere, Españoles!
Thy epiphany of colonialism,
Is the cancer of society.Manifestation of heroism.
lies in the fate of multilingualism.
and unbelievable polymathy.
Philippines cry in vain.
as she was tortured by Spain.Revolt not with La Solidaridad.
But with La Liga Filipina, yes.
Passion of nationalism
Weakens his girlfriend’s trusts.
Oh! VIVA FILIPINAS!”Come back, gentle hours, I yearn!
Come back as the birds return,
At the budding of the flowers!”
So, he says in Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo
First inspiration of poetry.Die for your country,
Not for your lust.
Laong Laan spared the way
As he ends up in
Bagumbayan.Ole! Simoun!
Springing out from darkness,Seeing opacity without mercy
Busted in El Filibusterismo
And not reigning from the goodThe Motherland broke the chains
Created by spanish freaks.
Ideas enlightened the Philippines
as unity destroys the frailocracy
Without mercy! Without GOODNESS!Patriótico valor!
Innocence ruled him against
Dark pens and papers.
Demons of justice
Mi Ultimo Adios!”Farewell to you all, from my soul torn away,
Friends of my childhood in the home dispossessed!
Give thanks that I rest from the wearisome day!Farewell to thee, too, sweet friend, that lightened my way;
Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is rest!”